no idea why i was writing like that

super weird. read my last few posts and thought my blog had gotten hacked

i don’t even know what to talk about. it’s like when someone asks you a simple, straightforward question like “what’s your favorite food” and your mind just goes blank for no reason

kinda miss having a life to blog about, which is stupid to say cuz i very much still do have a life but i can’t post about it much (work yk). i have so many books littered around. books i’ll pick up to read then place back down as soon as i’m distracted (approx 42 seconds later). i’ve got ward no 6 by chekhov on my dinner table, crash by jg ballard at my computer desk. and then on the opposite end of the couch i’m currently sitting on, i’ve got:

  • misreadings by umberto eco
  • my mother’s house and sido by colette
  • humanly possible by sarah bakewell
  • i am the wolf lyrics and writings by mark lanegan

none of which i’ve actually read and finished, except for chekhov but that was like 15 years ago, been trying to re-read. in fact, i wanna re-read lots going forward. about half the books i own i read in my late teens to mid-twenties. no reason for me not to read, i need to escape from my workaholic tendencies somehow. but it’s tough

ah, forgot the master and margarita in my bedroom. claude recommended it after i told it what i liked. i happened to already own it which was convenient. anyway, i’m gonna get up. i’ve been sitting for a long while. not sure what i’ll do tonight. maybe i’ll sleep early

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